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Ana Gonzales-Barrera & Mark Hugo Lopez, Is being Hispanic a matter of race, ethnicity or both? Trevor Ariza, Mark Aguirre, Carmelo Anthony, Manu Ginóbili, Carlos Arroyo, Gilbert Arenas, Rolando Blackman, Pau Gasol, Jose Calderon, José Juan Barea and Charlie Villanueva can be cited in the National Basketball Association .

Hispanics overall are the second-largest ethnic group in the United States, after non-Hispanic whites. After Native Americans, Hispanics are the oldest ethnic group to inhabit much of what is today the United States.

The term traditionally denotes the ethnic Peruvian mixed with European ancestry . Most mestizos are urban dwellers and show stronger European inheritance in regions like Lima Region, La Libertad Region, Callao Region, Cajamarca Region, Piura Region, Lambayeque Region, and Arequipa Region. Pardo is the term that was used in colonial El Salvador to describe a tri-racial Afro-Mestizo person of Indigenous, European, and African descent. Afro-Salvadorans are the descendants of the African population that were enslaved and shipped to El Salvador to work in mines in specific regions of El Salvador. They have mixed into and were naturally bred out by the general Mestizo population, which is a combination of a Mestizo majority and the minority of Pardo people, both of whom are racially mixed populations.

That month, the Human Rights Campaign also released a video in tribute to the victims of the 2016 Orlando gay nightclub shooting; in the video, Lovato and others told the stories of the people killed there. In May 2014, Lovato was named the LA Pride Parade Grand Marshal and the lead performer for NYC Pride Week for her contribution to the LGBT community.

The song was released on iTunes immediately following the performance. On February 2, 2020, Lovato performed “The Star-Spangled Banner” at Super Bowl LIV. A few days later, Lovato revealed that she would host a talk show, Pillow Talk With Demi Lovato, to air on the new video streaming platform Quibi. On April 16, Lovato released a collaboration titled “I’m Ready”, with English singer-songwriter Sam Smith.

In these models, the exposed group included women with any IPV since age 18 according to the BRFSS or WEB questions and the unexposed group comprised women without such histories. Generalized linear models with a log link were used to obtain prevalence ratios for dichotomous health indicators for women with a lifetime IPV history compared to women without a lifetime IPV history. Multivariable ordinary least squares regression was used to estimate mean differences in SF-36 scores and number of symptoms. Models were adjusted for age and income, factors, which could confound the relationship between IPV history and health. Disaggregating the white male premium and the Hispanic woman penalty for various subgroups of Hispanic women can help paint a fuller picture of wage gaps for Hispanic workers based on country of origin, immigration history, and education.

Dozens of Peruvian cultures are also dispersed throughout the country beyond the Andes Mountains in the Amazon basin. Important urban centers include Iquitos, Nauta, Puerto Maldonado, Pucallpa and Yurimaguas. This region is home to numerous ethnic groups, though they do not constitute a large proportion of the total population. Examples of ethnic groups residing in eastern Peru include the Shipibo, Urarina, Cocama, and Aguaruna. There is no special law for ethnic groups or reserves; they are Peruvians and legally treated as such.

According to the 2017 American Community Survey, 65% of Hispanic and Latinos identified as White. The largest numbers of those who consider themselves White Hispanics come from within the Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Colombian and Spanish communities. Because the Latina ethnicity encompasses a large variety of people, including people of various races from various countries, it is difficult to define the Latina Family experience in a simple way. To do so would oversimplify this population and result to stereotyping, as the experience of Latinas is just as nuanced as the women who comprise this ethnic group. There is a significant lack of literature on the home life experience of Latina women and how it may change with immigration to the United States.

Oftentimes, it is threats of deportation that influence Latina women to keep silent about their situation. These wage gaps in the workforce affect Latinas at every socioeconomic status, not just the working class. Latina women are the most likely group to be paid at or below the minimum wage, with 5.7% of wage and salary workers earning this amount. Of women in the workforce with advanced degrees (master’s, professional, and doctoral degrees), Latinas earn the lowest median weekly earnings of all racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Despite discrimination in the workforce, Latina participation is on the rise.


Similarly to Spaniards, Portuguese, English, German and many other European nations over the centuries, many Latin Americans also possess colonial era New Christian Sephardic Jewish ancestry. To a lesser extent other Latin Americans possess at least partial ancestry of more recent post-colonial ancestry from Ashkenazi Jews, Levantine Arabs , as well as Chinese and Japanese among others. Thus, as a whole, Latin Americans are a multiracial population, with degrees of admixture levels that vary from person to person, from varying global genetic sources.

Mexican-American psychiatrist Dr. Nora Volkow, whose brain imaging studies helped characterize the mechanisms of drug addiction, is the current director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dr. Helen Rodríguez Trías, an early advocate for women’s reproductive rights, helped drive and draft U.S. federal sterilization guidelines in 1979. She was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal by President Bill Clinton, and was the first Latina president of the American Public Health Association.

Cumbia, from the Colombian variety, is also very popular, especially among the lower classes. The ancient Mayan civilization lasted for about six hundred years before collapsing around 900 A.D. These natives live throughout the country and grow maize as their staple crop.

Yet several features tend to unite Hispanics from these diverse backgrounds. Poverty affects many underrepresented students as racial/ethnic minorities tend to stay isolated within pockets of low-income communities. This results in several inequalities, such as “school offerings, teacher quality, curriculum, counseling and all manner of things that both keep students engaged in school and prepare them to graduate.” In the case of Latinos, the poverty rate for Hispanic children in 2004 was 28.6 percent. Moreover, with this lack of resources, schools reproduce these inequalities for generations to come. In order to assuage poverty, many Hispanic families can turn to social and community services as resources.

Prior to the 1970s, the majority of the Latino migratory work was agriculturally based. However, with the end of the Bracero program, the United States policy on migration within the hemisphere shifted from encouraging primarily working males to migrate.

An estimated 2 million Hispanics of Salvadoran origin resided in the United States in 2013, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. Latino Times has 20-1 ratio of the use of “Latino” over “Hispanic” from news articles worldwide. As Guzman discusses, “signifiers most commonly associated with Latinidad produce a sense of authenticity within media texts”, (p. 235). Ramirez continues to discuss how these signifiers of Latinidad do not necessarily mean they are stereotypical. In actuality, Latina/os may utilize these “signifiers” for self-identifying purposes.

Despite Puerto Rican populations in New York and New Jersey being relatively stagnant, other parts of the Northeast continue to see very strong growth, particularly Pennsylvania and Lower New England . Pennsylvania easily having the second largest numerical increase of Puerto Ricans for the past 10–15 years, showing an increase of over 110,000 from second only to Florida.


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