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While some Hispanics say Latinx should be used as a pan-ethnic term, few say they prefer it over others. Meanwhile, just 4% say they prefer Latinx to describe the Hispanic or Latino population.

My family kept me grounded and later led me to my career path as a counselor. I realized that not everyone was as fortunate as I was to have this incredible family support team to believe in them unconditionally. Knowing about this while counseling a family can be very beneficial, especially for those who are grieving.

Additionally, the baby may have an increased risk for being too large at birth and being overweight and having Type 2 diabetes in the future. A woman’s ethnicity is one of the strongest risk factors for GDM and other types of diabetes that she can’t change. Additionally, due to the high risk of diabetes in all Latino people, the risk of family members having the condition may be high as well. Diabetes of all types tends to affect Latinx people at younger ages than it does other populations, so Latinx women should talk with their physician about their risk before getting pregnant.

6 These rates are not only due to racial and gender discrimination, but are also a result of Latinx cultural values such familisimo and marianismo7. Familisimo, although it emphasizes a strong family unit, can inhibit Latina teenagers from embracing their own unique independent identity8. Marianismo, rooted in Catholicism’s admiration of the Virgin Mary, is the belief that women must be pure, self sacrificing, pleasant, nurturing and demure9.

For example, when researchers collect data from many different states or countries, rather than from one hospital, it takes much longer. When women are pregnant or breastfeeding, their breasts are naturally more tender and enlarged. About one case of breast cancer per 3,000 pregnancies is diagnosed each year . The median is the middle value of a group of numbers, so about half of women are diagnosed before age 62 and about half are diagnosed after age 62. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among American Indian and Alaska Native women .


The second study18 found that prenatal exposure to the passage of a restrictive immigration law in Arizona coincided with lower birth weight among children born to Latina immigrant women but not among children born to US-born white, black, or Latina women. This population-based study used an interrupted time series design to assess 32.9 million live births and found that the number of preterm births among Latina women increased above expected levels after the election. Although data are limited, non-Hispanic American Indian and non-Hispanic Alaska Native women have slightly lower rates of breast cancer screening than non-Hispanic black women and non-Hispanic white women . The responses from the Latina participants in these focus groups suggest that life has always been hard for most of these women, whether in their home countries or in the United States. With their immigration to the United States, Latina immigrants move from having very limited employment opportunities to far greater access to employment.

Teenage Latinas are often met with pressure to meet these cultural standards, and this pressure can lead to development of anxiety and depression. These cultural factors do not favor reaching out for mental health assistance, making addressing the mental health concerns difficult. Despite this, many Latina women are finding their voice through mental health activism. Dior Vargas, a Latina feminist and mental health activists, created Color of My Mind, a collection of content from her People of Color Mental Health Phot Project. Using the art of photography, she gave POC with mental health issues a voice and successfully addressed the homogenized stereotypes about mental health problems, and stigmas in the communities of color.

Given small sample sizes, the results for Puerto Rican, Cuban, South American, and “other origin” Hispanic women are not statistically significant at a p value of 0.05. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Labor force participation rates among mothers,” blog post, May 7, 2010. Conversely, labor force participation can be strengthened by efforts to raise Latinas’ earnings in the labor market. Among other responses, 12% say Latinx is a term about being Hispanic or Latino, while 9% of those aware of Latinx say it is an LGBTQ community inclusive term. And 6% of respondents who have heard of Latinx say it is a new, alternative or replacement term for Latino.

Persistent educational challenges continue to affect the Hispanic community, however. Many college-bound Hispanic men and women come from low-income families, and tuition rates for in-state students at public universities rose 242% between 1998 and 2019. Consequently, many of these students are forced to take on student loans to afford their degree. These loans carry steep monthly minimum payments and interest rates that can affect borrowers for decades. The gender wage gap has many root causes, but it’s important to recognize that the pay gap for Latinas is attributable to sexism, racism, and anti-immigration policies, a multi-layered burden that white women do not face.

However, this opportunity comes at the price of a larger number of stressors. Much of the work they perform is considered undesirable by most Americans and they are clearly subject to exploitation by employers. However, even though the immigrants know that compared to native-born workers they are being treated poorly, when contrasted with their situations at home, it is a price nearly all are willing to pay.

As of June the time period encompassed in this study – there were 23,160 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the city of Philadelphia, which has a population size of nearly 1.6 million people. This suggests an infection rate of approximately 1.4 percent, which is more than 4 times lower than the estimates based on the research team’s serological data. Although they have a lower incidence of the disease when compared with other population groups such as non-Hispanic white and African-American women, some studies have shown that Latina women have a higher risk of mortality when compared with non-Hispanic white women. This phenomenon can be explained in part by the higher prevalence of aggressive subtypes in Latina women, particularly the triple negative. Such differences in breast cancer–intrinsic subtype distribution between population groups might be a consequence of a variety of risk factors differentially present among population groups.

Here, we provide a full description of risk factors that might be associated with the high prevalence of the triple-negative subtype in Latina women. We assessed demographic , modifiable , and nonmodifiable risk factors.

“We wanted to build a digital community, a lifestyle, a platform that allows Latinos to see our power, believe in our power and to act on that power.” On the cusp of Hispanic Heritage Month, beginning Sept. 15, Longoria, 45, joined “The View” on Friday to share the reason behind her digital community, which is a “destination for the modern Latina who wants to level up her life,” according to the organization’s website. Actress Eva Longoria is continuing her activism for women by launching a new nonpartisan platform for Latinas called She Se Puede. These five major patterns of bias mainly function as implicit biases, reflecting stereotypes people may not realize they have.

Hispanic women have slightly lower rates of breast cancer screening than non-Hispanic black women and non-Hispanic white women . Although breast cancer survival in Black women has increased over time, survival rates remain lower than among white women . Non-Hispanic Asian American women have slightly lower rates of breast cancer screening than non-Hispanic black women and non-Hispanic white women .


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